TREVISO, ITALY | +39 328 6416496
MATURITA' | 2024
In Italy the maturità (maturity) exams are something of a rite of passage, an experience shared (and dreaded) by every student in the country, drawing a line under their high-school education and marking a transition into adulthood.
These portraits were made on the student's last day at school in the moments just before their final oral exam: an hour-long presentation in front of a panel of teachers and external examiners. My sincere thanks to the students and staff at the Rudolf Steiner school in Zoppè (Treviso) for allowing me to make these images in what is a stressful moment for many of them.
My aim is to continue the project in schools of different specializations (artistic, technical, scientific, mechanical etc.) with the idea of creating a broader portrait of this generation of young Italians that must face the challenges of an increasingly fragile and interconnected world. As such, the project becomes not only a portrait of individuals from different sections of society but also touches on questions of national identity. Italy is changing and today's young people taking the maturità exams here will reflect that change. So far no state school has given me permission to make portraits in the school during exam time, which is a shame because I think the project could have some value. But I will keep trying.